
Friday, January 4, 2013

Merry Christmas 2012 {Holiday Cards}

Now that I am getting to this post {post Christmas}, I was extremely busy during the holidays with orders, gifts and advertising. See what I've been up to:

I was able to send out 200 business holiday cards to my 2012 clients this year... next year, I'm hoping it will be much more! My in laws were in town staying with us for a week, so I got an assembly line going and were able to get them all mailed just in time for Christmas {a BIG thank you to them!}. 
Next year, I am definitely hiring someone!

This is the holiday card I sent to all of my family and friends this year. Nick and I took this photo when we were in Idaho in November and thought it was very appropriate! Also, I wanted to announce to everyone that Stewart Design Studios is going full time {yes, I quit my day job and now I get to do what I love every day} so you will be seeing more of me!

Along with the holiday card, I decided to write up an email explaining what I will be doing and what Stewart Design Studios is all about. So, just in case you didn't know...check it out:

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