
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Brittany & Matt are Engaged! {Photography}

Brittany is my husband's cousin's girlfriend's sister. Haha... basically family! We had a great day downtown in Denver and it actually cleared up a bit for us. Brittany & Matt are getting married in Summer 2013 and I'm happy to be a part of their engagement with capturing them completely in love. Check them out!:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving in Idaho {Travel}

This year for Thanksgiving, all of us kids went to Twin Falls, Idaho to spend the week with my my in-laws! Talk about a much needed vacation full of relaxation, good family time, wine, amazing food, black friday shopping, movies, and spending the day in Sun Valley. We all had a great time!

My nephew Corbin playing {more like pounding on} the piano:

My mother-in-law Valerie enjoying the time with her grandson:

Corbin and his funny faces! Isn't his outfit ADORABLE?!? {Target!}

The whole fam! I don't think we have taken a photo with all of us before. It was a great first!
{from left to right - Me, Nick, Erica, Valerie, George, Alex, Nicole, Corbin}

 Corbin was playing peek-a-boo in the curtains! His giggles were contagious!

 Get all that energy out, bud!

 Got some great shots of Erica, she is graduating college next month! CONGRATS!

Love them!

 I love my husband!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Little Precious Noah {Photography}

Nick and Emily are wonderful friends of mine. As you can see from my many posts of them in the past, I enjoy photographing them! Now they have a new bundle of joy and he is more precious than ever. Not only was it my first time meeting Noah, but I had the pleasure of capturing his sweetness! I am so happy for Nick and Emily and am in love with this little man:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rebecca & Her Boys {Photography}

I love watching Rebecca's family grow and we have so much fun every time we all get together! Her boys run circles around me while I try and capture their smiling faces! These are some of my favs: