
Monday, October 29, 2012

Engaged! Brittany & Matt {Photography}

Brittany is the sister of my cousin-in-law's girlfriend. Haha we are all connected somehow, right? Brittany & Matt are engaged and happier than ever to be on a journey towards marriage. I had the privilege of taking their engagement photos this past weekend in downtown Denver. It turned out to be a fabulous day and we had a great time walking around town. Here is a sneak peek:

A World Full of Boys {Photography}

Rebecca and 4 boys? What? How does she do it??? Props to her as she surrounds herself with the male species, and so cute! Check out her family photos, it is a pleasure to see her family grow! A sneak peek into her world...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Adaleia is 6 months old! {Photography}

I've taken photos of Adaleia since before she was born and now she is already six months old. I can't believe how fast they grow! She is giggly and smiley and full of happiness. She is a little star! Here is a sneak peek of the Odekirk Family:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Little Miss H Turns 2 {Photography}

Happy Birthday Miss Harper! I thought I would give you a little birthday gift and give you a sneak peek at our shoot yesterday! MUAH!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Our Wedding Anniversary {Photography}

My husband and I celebrated 4 years of marriage this past weekend with an amazing trip to Aspen, CO. It's been on my list for a very long time to see Maroon Bells and I finally got to check it off my Bucket List. With it being one of the most photographed mountain in the world, Maroon Bells took my breath away! I was completely in awe of its beauty and surrounding area of forests covered in color-changing aspen. What an amazing town, one that I have fallen in love with. Now I can see why so many celebrities and billionaires buy property there and travel there in the peak times.

Fortunately for us, its the "off-season", which I'm not sure how "off" it could be in fall with how beautiful it is. But it is a mountain town, which = snow, which = ski resorts. So truly, their "on-season" is during the winter. Because of this, we got a KILLER deal! We stayed in Snowmass, CO; a ski resort town just outside of Aspen at the Viceroy Snowmass Resort & Hotel. It was incredible {I've included a photo below}. Talk about a designer's dream... our room consisted of a faux fur blanket, fireplace, free-standing tub, a Kurig and other luxurious features.

During our stay, we had breakfast and walked the farmers market early Saturday morning. Took the tour up to Maroon Bells, taking in all the wonders of the mountain, lake and trees. Had lunch in Snowmass, drinks at The Red Onion and our anniversary dinner in Aspen at BB's Kitchen, where I had a cucumber martini and a sweet potato puree'd pork chop. After dinner, we walked the town of Aspen and found a mini golf course that they had turned the ice skating rink into for the summer. I am proud to say that I beat my husband 49-57. {BTW - Par was 39}

On our way home, instead of taking I-70 back through Glenwood Springs and Vail, we decided to take the back route through Independence Pass to Frisco. What an amazing drive! With an elevation of 12,095 ft., it shows a view of a few of the amazing 14'ers in CO. The aspens lined the road, and parts of the highway went down to only one lane. I kept telling my husband to be careful, hopefully no one would come racing around the corners.

Here are just a few photos from our trip {I couldn't stop taking photos, everything was so beautiful}:

Looking out the front of our hotel:

The Viceroy Resort, Snowmass, Colorado

Our hotel room at Viceroy

Farmer's Market, Aspen, Colorado

Maroon Bells, Aspen, Colorado

Me at Maroon Bells, Aspen, Colorado

My Husband, Nick

Nick and I

Drinks at The Red Onion

Dinner at BB's Kitchen

On the road to Independence Pass

Independence Pass, Continental Divide