
Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Botanical Gardens {Fun}

My husband And I are on vacation visiting my family in Southern California. He had a few work meetings in downtown LA, so I tagged along with him. After "work" was over, we swung over to the Huntington Library in Pasadena to have lunch and walk through the gardens. It was so beautiful {a little warm} but definitely scenic. It's amazing to think 210 acres dedicated to the entire facility and 120 of that is the garden, right in the middle of a huge city! You can go have tea in the rose garden or walk over koi ponds in the Japanese garden. We also took a "desert stroll" through cacti and succulents. So much to look at and explore. The great thing too is every plant and tree is labeled, so if you have a garden of your own and fall in love with a certain flower or type of tree, you can write down the name and look it up yourself. So beautiful, check it out:

Nick in the Rose Garden:

These are the one's he liked the most:

The Japanese Garden... amazing!:

Nick and I in the bamboo forrest:

The sun was beautiful coming through the bamboo:

The succulents were incredible:

{Thanks to the Instagram application on my iPhone for the quick photos}

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

This is my favorite holiday and time of year! I love pool parties and watermelon, and BBQs in the sun! Watching the fireworks show with my family is one of my favorite memories growing up, the magical wonder of fireworks makes me feel like a little girl every time! I love celebrating our nation's birthday and Independence, we are so blessed to live here and be a part of such an experience. Hope you all have a wonderful, fun and safe holiday!